Australian Web Awards

33 Email Newsletter Content Ideas to Increase Your Readership

As marketers, we can often get stuck for ideas and inspiration when it comes to email newsletter content. If you aren’t careful and considered, you could end up with the world’s most boring newsletter. I mean, who wants to read all about your products in every issue, besides you and possibly your family?


OK, that’s not true, your family are being polite; they don’t want to read email newsletter content that only ever talks about how great your company and products are, either. Sorry to break it to you, however it is the truth.

When we talk about email marketing, there are two super important metrics that we should focus on. That is open rates, and readership/engagement rates (such as click rates, shares, etc). The latter is all in the hands of the content with a small dash of design. A layout rarely encourages a click through, as much as having great content. If you want an engaged readership, growing click through rates and subscribers to share your newsletter, it has to be valuable to your ideal customer.

The great thing about modern email newsletter marketing and newsletter systems, is they allow you to A/B test your email marketing campaigns and newsletters, and to learn what your readers are clicking on and reading. You can use this information to help form future issues of your newsletter, to increase the engagement and audience readership further.

A great email newsletter editor knows to always be trying out new content and new topic ideas, to see what resonates most with their readers. To help with that inspiration, I’ve collated 33 email newsletter content ideas that are applicable for most organisations and their email marketing.

So, without any further introduction, here are 33 killer ideas for future email newsletter content.

33 email newsletter content ideas

In no particular order, here are a collection of hand-picked email newsletter topics that work with most audiences.

Read On!

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