Australian Web Awards

the creative canary evolution

We're not only excited to share our new Creative Canary branding and website with you, but our vision for 2020.

The year of opportunity

Mention 2020 to many people and you’ll be met with responses of frustration, health concerns, economic concerns and general apprehension about the future. 

“I’ll be glad when this year’s over” – Has been muttered by many (and it’s only July).

At Creative Canary, we certainly have had our share of challenges as many small businesses have experienced during this time. We stared at our own cup trying to determine ‘is it half empty or half full’? The answer to this of course, is it’s up to us how we view our cup.

Sure, we could have sat on our hands waiting for the phone to ring. Hoping that the economy would miraculously turn around and business would go back to normal. The hard truth however is that there is no normal. We don’t know what the future holds. But by looking at our cup as half-full we have the unique opportunity to do a ‘reset’ and look forward to the future, that while far from certain is full of exciting possibilities for us as a business and individuals.

Our Brand Refresh

The first thing you may have noticed about our ‘reset’ is that we have rebranded. We’ve dropped the feather icon which has been part of our identity since our inception. While we’ve always been fond of the feather, we’re moving forward and have now incorporated our iconic ‘C’ within a speech bubble. 

Not only does this reflect our values and mission to create positive conversation amongst what feels like a scary world at times. It also reflects our desire to partner with more ‘not-for-profits’ and community organisations that need a platform to promote positive messages to their target audiences. We have also incorporated the colour purple to offset the yellow that dominated our old colour palette. Besides softening the contrast between the bold yellow and black, purple reflects the Fremantle sunset that signals the end of each creative day, as the soft light fills my office. 

We’re loving our new colour palette, not only for the reasons listed above but also, we think it’s contemporary, modern and fun, all of which reflect the way we work… and play.

Our New Website

The second physical difference you may have noticed is our brand-new website!

We’re beyond proud of this, and couldn’t be happier that we finally have an online presence that reflects us and our core values down to a T! Again, this strange year has provided us the long overdue opportunity to work on our own business opposed to our valued clients who have always come first to us. We encourage you to take a good look around and explore.

Let us know any feedback you have, we’d love to hear it… and be sure to check out our folio. It’s been a mammoth task to collate a selection of our most valued clients and creative projects that not only look incredible but have helped our clients achieve their goals. Which after all is what we’re really here for.

2020 Vision

Speaking of what we’re here for… This question has been at the forefront of our mind for a long time. And we’ve finally been able to afford ourselves the time to reflect on what Creative Canary is here for. What is our mission? What do we want to be doing?

Our mission is to build and maintain relationships with clients who resonate with our core values… We find with organisations that align with our vision and values, the line between being a client and a friend becomes a little blurry and that’s just the way we like it. There’s nothing more rewarding than seeing our clients achieve their goals with our assistance.

We’re not aiming to be everything to everyone. Our 2020 vision is to focus on what we do well… and that’s building awesome WordPress websites and creating beautiful brands. In particular, we love partnering with not-for-profits and organisations that ‘do good’ for our local community.

After all if we all ‘do good’ the world becomes a little bit better place to live. And with all the uncertainty that 2020 has brought us… ‘doing good’ just seems like the right thing to do.

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